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Ferguson Plarre’s People’s Pie Party

Ferguson Plarre’s People’s Pie Party is here to demand quality pies for everyone. It’s the pie-partisan pie-litical party we can all get behind. Our President Mr Steve Plarre has the following announcement.

We believe in pie-ocracy and we’re here to say IT’S TIME. For too long, pies and sausage rolls have been for the many, but not the everybody. All our pies are created equal, they’re baked fresh, never frozen, handmade in Melbourne using only the best ingredients available. Most importantly they all have the same great taste, whether they’re plant-based or traditional (or gluten-free coming soon!).

It’s time to vote with your mouths people! Find out more and follow the People’s Pie Party over on our Facebook page or order some of our delicious pies online here.

Join Ferguson Plarre’s People’s Pie Party now for the latest news and special offers and remember to vote with your mouths for the pies you deserve!